Our Product

Urea Phosphate

What is Urea Phosphate used for?

Provides both nitrogen and phosphorus, essential nutrients for plant growth and development. Nitrogen supports leafy growth, while phosphorus is critical for root development, flowering, and fruiting. Urea phosphate's water-soluble nature allows for quick uptake by plants, ensuring efficient nutrient absorption.

Soil Amendment:
Can be applied directly to the soil to improve its nutrient content. It helps replenish nitrogen and phosphorus levels, especially in soils deficient in these nutrients, thus enhancing soil fertility and promoting healthy plant growth.

Crop Production:
Commonly used in various crops such as cereals, vegetables, fruits, and ornamental plants to promote vigorous growth, increase yields, and improve crop quality. Proper application of urea phosphate can lead to better root development, increased flowering, and higher fruit set.

pH Adjustment:
Adjust soil pH levels, particularly in alkaline soils. While it is not as effective as dedicated soil pH amendments like lime or sulfur, its acidic nature can slightly lower soil pH, making it more favorable for certain plants that prefer slightly acidic conditions.

Foliar Spray:
Applied as a foliar spray, especially during periods of rapid plant growth or when immediate nutrient uptake is necessary. Foliar application allows nutrients to be absorbed directly through the leaves, providing a quick nutrient boost to plants.

Custom Blends:
Can be included in custom fertilizer blends to meet specific nutrient requirements based on soil tests and crop needs. Its versatility makes it a valuable component in formulating balanced fertilizers tailored to different crops and growing conditions.